Gravy Brain...

...because it's from the drippings and juices flowing in my brain. The tidbits you sneek before the meal is served, while you're making the gravy. So, these are excerpts from my life, thoughts about God and the Life found in Him. Sometimes I'll talk like you're listening. Sometimes I'll jot down stuff like a journal. Read it. Don't read it. Doesn't matter. The real meat & potatoes (the lessons mentioned in the side bar) can be found at TheJesusTribe, in Links. Be blessed, or not. It is a choice.


Wednesday, August 17, 2005

No Time For Me, Me, Me

SOS...smothering...need air....send air..............

The creativity is stifling. Someone, on a t.v. show, recently stated that creative people need space. When she said it, I nodded "preach it!". I'm feeling it lately: the need for space. The vital need for space. Unchanneled creative energy can do strange things to a brain, a body. It is doing strange things to my brain and my body.

I need space and time to write and think and do. Space and time, uninterrupted. Space and time that is mine... all mine, but how...and when?

I have not yet learned how to "steal" that time from my family without feelings of guilt and selfishness.


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