Gravy Brain...

...because it's from the drippings and juices flowing in my brain. The tidbits you sneek before the meal is served, while you're making the gravy. So, these are excerpts from my life, thoughts about God and the Life found in Him. Sometimes I'll talk like you're listening. Sometimes I'll jot down stuff like a journal. Read it. Don't read it. Doesn't matter. The real meat & potatoes (the lessons mentioned in the side bar) can be found at TheJesusTribe, in Links. Be blessed, or not. It is a choice.


Saturday, September 10, 2005


Happy Anniversary to us. Six wonderful years.

Our vowes requested us to promise staying together through many things;

for richer or poorer,

in good times and bad times,

through sickness and health,

for better or worse...

I think we have faced many of these to some degree.
God has provided for us through those times.
We have rarely, if ever, gone without something
we may have wanted, and have never been without something we felt that we needed.

When we married, we acknowledged that
it was God who joined us together in marriage
and molded us into one creature.
One creature with two distinct personalities,
two unique jobs, two seperate sets of skills and gifts
that work together for one purpose.
Much like the trinity is comprised of One God
represented by three seperate 'persons', each with
unique characteristics and functions.

Neither of us believe in divorce. I suppose many
don't enter a marriage believing in divorce...
until it happens to them.
But in todays world, we have implemented
contracts and trial periods to experiment with marriage without being obligated for life.
People who fully plan on exercising their option
to get out if and when things become too overwhelming and difficulties arise.
They have no intention of staying in it through poverty, homelessness, debt, severe illness....
and whatever else the "worse" includes.

We have agreed that what God has joined together,
let no man tear apart, even our very own selves.
Our marriage is Gods creation.
Let Him do with us as He wills.

I am continually thankful for the other half
of myself that I have found in my partner.

Thank you Father.

Thank you 'Clark'.


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