Gravy Brain...

...because it's from the drippings and juices flowing in my brain. The tidbits you sneek before the meal is served, while you're making the gravy. So, these are excerpts from my life, thoughts about God and the Life found in Him. Sometimes I'll talk like you're listening. Sometimes I'll jot down stuff like a journal. Read it. Don't read it. Doesn't matter. The real meat & potatoes (the lessons mentioned in the side bar) can be found at TheJesusTribe, in Links. Be blessed, or not. It is a choice.


Wednesday, September 21, 2005

If God Wakes The Sun...Then I Know Who Wakes The Roosters!

My not quite 2 year old, M, was getting up between 7/7:30 last Spring. At the onset of summer it became 6:30/7 ish. By the end of summer it was 6/6:30.

He is now waking up, screaming for me to get up at 4 am!! I get him a couple crackers and a cup of milk and he will doze until 5:45/6:00, then he's up.

What's going on??? Everyone tells me he's preparing for the time change, but that can't be right. The clock goes back an hour in the fall, which means if he doesn't continue waking any earlier (please Lord, don't let him get any earlier!), his 5:45 internal clock will rouse him when the new clock time says 4:45!!!"

He gets to play outside everyday for fresh air and sunshine. He doesn't nap very long. Usually an hour in mid morningish (11am - 12 noon) and sometimes again from 4-5pm, if I absolutely can't keep him awake.

I have even kept him up later at night in hopes that he would sleep in, but he still gets up by 6am!

And yes, it is a dark room. It's pitch black when he tries to get up at 4:30 am, but it doesn't keep him from trying anyway.

Oh well. This too shall pass, right. Knowing that it is just for a season is what keeps me going on very little sleep.


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